Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Chiropractic Care

Have you heard of a chiropractor? You may not have, if you are in India. But if you are residing anywhere in the U.S, Canada, or even Australia - you may well be under chiropractic care already.

The concept was new to me and I learned about this discipline of noninvasive medical care only in January this year. I researched and read up more and was intrigued by this new perspective to healthcare.

In simple terms, a chiropractor is a doctor who has completed 'chiropractic school' just like an MD has completed MBBS. Chiropractors believe in natural healing and embrace the chiropractic philosophy which states that the human body is all powerful. Our body has the ability to heal itself naturally, without medication or surgery. Whenever there is a disruption in our nerve system, the natural functioning of the body is affected. Chiropractic care helps the body to gain back the momentum and perform at its optimal best. It changes your lifestyle, helps you imbibe healthy dietary habits, encourages you to maintain a daily fitness regime, and focuses on wellness for longer. 

India is not new to chiropractic though. Since time immemorial, we have had natural healing with ayurvedic, fitness through physiotherapy and treatment through homeopathy. Chiropractic is similar to all these disciplines. 

Chiropractors use different 'adjustment techniques' to heal patients -which gives them quick relief from spinal and nerve disorders, chronic ailments and longstanding mobility issues. Chiropractors don't claim to 'cure'. They make the body active by removing the obstacles that are interfering with the normal functioning of the body. The way our brain operates and how our nerve system keeps us going is great to know a chiropractor's perspective. 

Most patients go to chiropractors after they have tried every other medical doctor, surgeon, orthopedic etc. But ideally, chiropractic would be a better first choice. If naturally, our body can get relief from pain, why would we need medicines? Though chiropractic doesn't have an answer to everything and medical help is needed during emergencies, there is no harm in giving it a try. Sportsmen, children, pregnant mothers, people with desk jobs, senior citizens, and people with chronic disorders benefit immensely from chiropractic care.

I hope that in the near future, chiropractic gains popularity in India too.

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